Case Studies – YoY Growth

Year-over-Year Growth

In this case study, we showcase the impressive year-over-year growth of a wallet brand. This brand experienced gradual growth during their launch year but faced challenges in scaling their business. Their initial approach to advertising was self-taught, primarily through YouTube videos and advice from friends who also sold on Amazon. However, despite their best efforts, they weren’t achieving the success they anticipated and turned to us for professional guidance.

Upon their request, we conducted a thorough audit of their advertising account and identified several critical issues. These included duplicate targeting across campaigns, inefficient campaign structures that hindered effective ad spend allocation, significant overbidding, and the problematic practice of advertising too many products within a single campaign. These issues are common yet detrimental to advertising success.

Our team immediately set to work, reorganizing their advertising strategy and refining their targeting to eliminate duplication and enhance reach. We meticulously calculated their maximum profitable bid, using it as a benchmark to overhaul their bidding strategy. The restructuring process took a couple of months, but the results were encouraging. Even the initial reorganization led to significant growth, laying a solid foundation for future scaling.

When the time came for expanding their advertising efforts, our prior groundwork made the process seamless. We simply increased budgets, which led to immediate and substantial growth. Our continued efforts ensured steady progress, but in September, we decided to implement an aggressive push. We introduced new Brand and Video campaigns, significantly amplifying their advertising impact. This strategic move nearly doubled their month-over-month sales, soaring to over $100,000.

This brand’s journey from self-guided attempts to professional optimization is a testament to the transformative power of expert advertising strategies. It highlights our ability to diagnose and rectify common advertising pitfalls, restructure and optimize ad campaigns, and implement aggressive growth tactics that lead to substantial financial gains for our clients.